GP – Community Pharmacist Consultation Service (CPCS)
- CPCS is the Community Pharmacist Consultation Service which has been available in community pharmacies since October 2019 from NHS 111
- The service connects patients who have a minor illness or need an urgent supply of medication with a community pharmacy (for GP CPCS it is only for Minor illness)
- Only specific conditions suitable for referral within symptom groups like: Constipation, diarrhea,Acne, Spots and Pimples, Allergic Reaction, Ankle or Foot Pain or Swelling,Athlete’s Foot,Bites or Stings, Insect or Spider Blisters,Cough,Cold and Flu,Ear Discharge or Ear Wax Earache,Eye, Red or Irritable Eye, Sticky or Watery Eyelid Problems,Hair loss,Headache,Hearing,Problems or Blocked Ear,Hip, Thigh or Buttock Pain or swelling,Itch,Knee or Lower Leg Pain,Lower Back Pain,Lower Limb Pain or Swelling,Mouth Ulcers,Nasal Congestion,Rectal Pain,Scabies,Shoulder Pain,Skin, Rash,Sleep Difficulties,Sore Throat,Tiredness,Toe Pain or Swelling,Vaginal Discharge,Vaginal Itch or Soreness,Vomiting Wound Problems – management of dressings,Wrist, Hand or Finger Pain or Swelling.
- The pharmacist will conduct a consultation. This will usually be face-to-face but may be conducted remotely if appropriate and the patient consents to this. During the consultation, The pharmacist will assess the patient’s condition using a structured approach to respond to symptoms.The pharmacist will ensure that any relevant ‘Red Flags’ are recognized and responded.
- The focus of the service is the consultation and provision of key messages regarding self-care and patient education. Should medication be required for the presenting condition, then either:
‒ a supply should be made under a minor ailments service (MAS) service (where available)
‒ the sale of an OTC product can be made
‒ or referral to an appropriate prescriber should be used.